"Since loading up on my iPhone 4 I have played just about everyday for the last 2 weeks. Can Knockdown 2 is currently my favorite casual iPhone game, which I am highly addicted to. The crisp graphics, excellent sound effects, to include background sounds, and game play make this iPhone app a winner." - Crazy Mike Apps
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"Záleží jen na tom, zda se vám zalíbí hra jako taková, o nic jiné nejde, protože zvuky, grafika a fyzika jsou dotaženy do absolutního maxima a pokud vás hra chytne užijí si zábavu i vaše uši a oči!" - Letemsvetemapplem
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"This is a nice application to leave on your device, so when you have five minutes to spare this is a great game to play." - Internet Gumshue
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"Es bietet auch Game Center Unterstützung für alle 3 Modi und ist wirklich sehr spaßig. Eines der besten Mini Apps, die es im App Store gibt mit einer tolle Spiele-Umsetzung. Das Spiel ist wirklich sehr zu empfehlen und sogar als Univeral App für das iPhone, den iPod touch und das iPad, erhältlich." - Apfel zone
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"Can Knockdown 2 ist ein süchtigmachendes Spiel und daher unbedingt zu empfehlen. Wir konnten tagelang nicht die Finger vom Spiel lassen und wird sind überzeugt Ihr könnt es auch nicht. Würdiger Nachfolger und darüber hinaus ein grandioses Spiel ! Von uns Must-Have-Award und die Note A (1.4)." - iReviewt
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"But it's fun while it lasts, and it's definitely a worthy game for those quick, two minute bursts of gameplay that the iPhone is so good for. And it's simple and intuitive enough that you can pick up and play it within a matter of seconds. Can Knockdown 2 is the next best thing from hitting the midway at your local fair. It may not have cotton candy, but it's still plenty of fun." - Gamezebo
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"I'm attracted to carnival games, and if all carnival games were as pretty as Can Knockdown, I'd play more of them but to take the simple experience of throwing a ball at cans and add visual flare with excellent physics, this is a show your friends your iPad app. Worth the download and Can Knockdown 2 does for the iPad what Paper Toss did for the iPhone when it came out." - iPad Critic
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"If you're into simple but fun games with real replay value, then Can Knockdown 2 is something worth checking out for sure." - iPad Fan
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"The game physics are spot on and the graphics are also of excellent quality. Though the game is simple, I can see this becoming an addictive fav on many an iPhone, iPod touch or iPad..." - iPhone Life
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""Can Knockdown 2" ist das richtige Spiel, um kurz abzuschalten. iPad zur Hand nehmen, das Spiel starten, ein paar Dosen vom Stapel blasen und schon hat man entspannt. Für längere Spielsessions nur geeignet, wenn Sie sich mit einem Freund messen." - Mobile XP
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"Os controlos do jogo sao simples. Basta arrastar o dedo pelo visor para definir a trajectória que queremos dar a bola. Existem também vários tipos de lata, desde as latas explosivas , as latas que congelam o tempo, passando pelas que duplicam os pontos." - Atulo
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"Unser Testbericht zu Can Knockdown 2 ist soeben online gegangen. Das Spiel konnte uns vor allem mit einer hervorragenden Grafik und vergrößertem Spielumfang überzeugen und hat verdient mit einer Bewertung von 8 unseren iPlayApps.de-Award gewonnen." - iPlayApps
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"Highly suggest checking out this game and add it to your library. It will provide you with hours of fun and exciting entertainment. It is fast becoming my top time-killer app. Let's see if you can beat my high score!" - iPhone Apps Preview
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"In as much as the App Store now offers "full" games and bite-sized "casual" ones that aren't going to set the world on fire but provide ample entertainment for their low prices, Can Knockdown 2 is clearly in the latter category—just an Angry Birds appeared to be prior to its post-release updates that added levels and improved its value." - iLounge
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"Si l'on se dit en début de la toute premiere partie que l'on jouera seulement quelques minutes a Can Knockdown 2 avant de passer a autre chose, on se rend rapidement compte que l'on s'est lourdement trompé. La précision du titre d'Infinite Dreams est diabolique et la marge de progression bien réelle. Si bien que l'on y revient tres souvent, tout particulierement pour améliorer son score. En un mot comme en cent : addictif !" - Pockett
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"We've seen some pretty good target practice apps hit the App Store. Games like Paper Toss and the Flick apps have seen their share of the spotlight and have brought some pretty fun gameplay to the iPhone and iPad. The latest app to join the genre is Can Knockdown 2." - AppVee
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"Can Knockdown 2 is like three top-notch games in one -- it will keep you, your family and friends hooked for months to come! Get this new iDreams title now and lose yourself in a world of addictive gameplay, amazing physics and global competition! Definitely a must have in your games collection!" - Daily iPhone Blog
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"Can Knockdown 2 is incredibly simple but that's to its benefit. It's not trying too hard to be something quirky. There are Game Center achievements to acquire as well as leaderboards to keep an eye on but ultimately you'll be playing this simply to pass those dull 5-10 minutes that occur throughout the day. It serves this purpose perfectly." - 148 Apps
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"Can Knockdown 2 includes everything you know and love about the original game, but with a lot more variety. Instead of just throwing balls at stacks of cans carnival-style, you can test your aiming skills by trying to hit moving targets and special cans in the two new game modes: Target and Sniper." - App Advice
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"Consigliatissimo anche perché costa davvero poco, solo 79 centesimi di euro." - iPadders
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"Visually, the graphics are crisp, detail is high, and animations are very smooth. Each mode has a distinct background and your scores are easily visible. The balls roll in from the side of the screen along the screen bottom and all targets are clearly seen." - App Smile
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"The first version of the game was a massive success reaching number one in 67 countries. The improved new version will have you impressing your friends as you knock down stacks of cans while they move on a conveyor." - Product Review
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"The game is graphically pleasing for how simple the game itself is showing off dirty back alley styled themes and lighting to match. The controls ae also very fluid as you would expect from a game with such a simple concept, just a matter of hold your finger on the ball and flick in the direction and speed you wish it to go." - GameStyle
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"Can Knockdown 2 is one of those games that performs one simple task very well. Hopefully, over time this app will be updated with even more modes and variety, or maybe some alluring prizes like in Skee-Ball. It's not exactly thought-provoking, but Can Knockdown 2 is a quality diversion." - Slide To Play
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"In the end, Can Knockdown 2 is a pretty neat physics collection of canned mini-games. The graphics are pretty beautiful and the physics effects are definitely the highlight." - TouchGen |